Communication Tools For Ultra-Low Sulfur Heating Oil Transition Beginning Sept. 1

August 31, 2020

Members of the PPA Heating Fuels Committee recently collaborated to create tools for dealers to communicate the statewide ULHSO mandate which is effective on September 1, 2020. The following free resources are now available for PPA members to utilize.

In the next 30 days a digital video will also be available to explain the consumer benefits of ULSHO.

— ULSHO Infographic (click here to download)

— ULSHO FAQ Flyer (click here to download)

— ULSHO Webpage (click here to view)

ULSHO Regulation Reminder & Limited Suspension Of Enforcement Information

The regulation is effective tomorrow (September 1, 2020). To view the regulation please click here.

The PPA worked with DEP to grant a limited suspension of enforcement waiver to allow heating oil dealers to meet the new standard. The suspended enforcement of the 15 ppm standard will be in place from September 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021. A copy of this enforcement notice can be found here.

This suspension of enforcement does not cover No. 2 and lighter commercial fuel oil received by the distributor or retail outlet after July 25, 2020 (publish date of regulation). This suspension does not cover distributors of commercial fuel oil by pipeline or supersede conditions in any air quality plan approval or operating permit.

A distributor or retail outlet covered by this limited suspension of enforcement must maintain adequate records onsite to document the quantity of No. 2 and lighter commercial fuel oil stored by the distributor or retail outlet in this Commonwealth on July 25, 2020, that exceeds 15 ppm sulfur content. The records shall be made available to the Department upon request.

This suspension also applies to No. 2 and lighter commercial fuel oil received by the ”ultimate consumer” as defined in 25 Pa.?Code §?121.1, on or before February 28, 2021.

Article from Pennsylvania Petroleum Association